понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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So my grandma finally got out of the hospital today Iapos;m so happy about it but itapos;s still going to be a hard road to full recovery.� Iapos;m hoping that there wasnapos;t as much damage as the doctors might think there is to her vocal cords.� Iapos;m just really, really excited that we finally got her out of that hospital.� I fully recommend nobody using Methodist hospital ever� They fucked grandma over too many times

On other notes, both of my jobs are going well.� Iapos;m still looking for that job that actually uses my degree but so far no good.� My sister is thinking of dressing my nephew as a cop for Halloween and I think thatapos;ll be really cute
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

dark shadows festival

Op dinsdag 4 november a.s wordt er een wedstrijd gespeeld door de Schouwse Damesselectie tegen de Flakkeese Damesselectie. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld op het veld van Zierikzee en begint om 19.30 uur. Voor deze wedstrijd worden speelsters uitgenodigd van diverse eilandelijke damesteams en van een meisjesteam. Van VV Zierikzee zijn uitgenodigd: Ellen Bijzet, Ellen Schreurs, Stella van Trierum, Sanne Tamerus, Femke Akkersdijk en Lianne Quist.

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blues green kgsr

I leave Rome for Barcelona in 4 hours. Iapos;ve had a wonderful time here, this city really is itapos;s own world. So many things to see and to eat. I donapos;t know what iapos;m gonna do without panini after this, but i guess iapos;ll make it. Out here i never get full, because there is always some new scrumptous item to be eaten.

except for a class of adrians i went to (real interesting, about the collective unconcious during WW2 of europeans, fascinating stuff) most of my days here were pretty similar. Get up late, get a kebab down the street, maybe take a little nap, check the email, apos;seeapos; something touristy, come home and throw some dinner together, get ready for the night, go out and grab a panini, and after the panini go to a bar. It was a little overwhelming being around so many people when i first got here, especially so many who speak english, but itapos;s definitly grown on me and iapos;m happy i set aside a few weeks to do this.

iapos;m real excited to go to a country where i speak the language though, even a little bit of it. I had just gotten my french at adequate for conversation levels and all of a sudden iapos;m thrown into a country full of people speaking a language i donapos;t know more than 3 words of. In rome itapos;s not that bad since everybody speaks english, and i spend most of my time with american students anyhow.

the ferry iapos;m taking to barcelona cuts right through the passage between corsica and sardinia, so iapos;m definitly looking forward to that. Other than that, itapos;s 19 hours, so i plan on catching up on sleep (havenapos;t got too much of that in Rome) and spending some quality time with some books (havenapos;t gotten too much of those either).

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catscratch nick.com

If bartenders keep asking you, "Whatapos;s mead?", you might be a viking.

If you rate your new cars in Oarpower instead of Horsepower, you might be a viking.

If a strange, very big read headed man shows up for dinner and eats you out of house and home, you might be a viking.

If you consider beer and herring a gourmet meal, you might be a viking.

If your new girlfriend is dismayed to find that youapos;ve given a personal name to each one of your kitchen knives, you might be a viking.

If you think that a Lutheran is nothing more than a quick source of money, you might be a viking.

If you think that attacking and looting small towns is a good way to meet people, you might be a viking.

If, after reciting your family lineage and history, you find that your friends all left two hours ago, you might be a viking.

If you think that Helga, Gertruda and Snotra are really very pretty names for girls, you might be a viking.

If the best thing you can say about France is that you left most of it standing, you could be a viking.

If youapos;ve changed your name from Joe Schmit to Hralfnkel Niflgrimsson, you are probably a viking.

If modern day piracy off of the Florida coast sounds to you like a good career opportunity, you might be a viking.

If you think that Old Norse is an easy-to-learn, attractive and user-friendly language, you might be a viking.

If your idea of heavy spices are salt and pepper, you might be a viking.

If you wave a spear over the visiting basketball team and offer their souls to Odin, you might be a viking.

If you think that a trip to Iowa is an exotic adventure, you might be a very brave viking.

If you finish your European vacation with more money than when you started, you might very well be a viking.

If a strange, one-handed man shows up at your house, drinks all your beer, pronounces sentence on your fundamentalist neighbor, points out all the legal inaccuracies of the latest "NYPD Blues" and leaves a huge wolf chained to your new Ford Mustang, you might be a viking.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

charter.com home page

I feel oddly empty and hollow today. I donapos;t know why. I think my American soul must be yearning for a purchase since today is pay day, but if Iapos;m to live on my own, I must learn to be frugal. I also want to play 3rd Strike. I also want to be inspired by something and to become completely obsessed with a story that has characters I can play with. As much as I love the City Watch, I am never going to be able to replicate their awesome.

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I never said Iapos;d lie in wait forever. If I died weapos;d be together. I canapos;t always just forget her. But she could try.

At the end of the world. Or at the last thing I see. You are never coming home, never coming home. Could I? Should I? And all the things that you never ever told me. And all the smiles that are ever ever...

Ever. Get the feeling that youapos;re never. All alone. And I remember now. At the top of my lungs in my arms. She dies. She dies.

At the end of the world. Or at the last thing I see. You are never coming home, never coming home. Could I? Should I? And all the things that you never ever told me. And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me. Never coming home, never coming home. Could I? Should I? And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me. For all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me.

If I fall. If I fall down.

At the end of the world. Or at the last thing I see. You are never coming home, never coming home. Never coming home. Never coming home. And all the things that you never ever told me. And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me. Never coming home, never coming home. Could I? Should I? And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me. For all the ghosts that are never ever...

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Cher Hagrid, Monsieur le Directeur

�������� Je mets actuellement de lapos;ordre dans les serres, en attendant que Mme Pomfresh me donne le droit de reprendre le chemin des cours. Japos;en profite pour trier la r�serve de la serre 9, utilis�e comme r�serve par mes pr�d�cesseurs.

En d�pla�ant un empilement de pots, je suis tomb� sur le nid dapos;une cr�ature dont japos;ignore tout: elle fait quinze centim�tres de diam�tre, est compl�tement ronde, verte et pelucheuse et pousse un cri assez semblable � celui du corbeau. Je napos;ai pas la moindre id�e de ce quapos;est-ce.

Japos;ai scell� les ouvertures au cas o� avant de retourner � lapos;infirmerie, (ne dites pas � Mme Pomfresh et � Th�odore que je mapos;�tais �clips� Est-ce que lapos;un de vous pourrait y jeter un oeil � lapos;occasion?�


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by in listen love still tyra

I just had a three-day vacation in Las Vegas last weekend, and I already feel like I need another one. Except this time, I might actually be able to relax.

Iapos;ve really been stressing lately. Everyone has been getting under my skin for doing things that, two weeks ago, I would just let slide as stupid, petty shit not worth thinking about. Itapos;s hard for me to explain, but the people who annoy me the most are the predictable ones. So when someone does something which I know they would do, even though I did my best to prevent them from doing it without screaming, Hey fucktard, donapos;t do what youapos;re about to do, it just serves to piss me off even more. Part of me sees it as stupidity, even though it has nothing to do with intelligence. If anything, intelligent, rational people are more predictable, not less.

But anyway, small things are starting to get to me, which just serves to piss me off more, starting a vicious cycle of pissed-offed-ness which can only resolve itself in a brilliant explosion of misplaced rage and aggression. Nah. Iapos;ll probably just make some really sarcastic comments during meetings.

Which reminds me - yesterday I had two meetings with two different clients. During the first one, I made some offhand comments about singing telegrams and flying penguins, and by the time the meeting was over, I had received several rather dubious accolades along the lines of, "Youapos;re on fire today", and "You should quit this job and do stand-up" Five minutes into my second meeting with the second client, I had her laughing so hard she actually thanked me for making her laugh, as apparently she was having a bad day.

And today I received an email from someone, recently promoted to a rather senior position in the company, that he wanted to appoint me as "Minister of Humour". True story.

Growing up, I do not recall ever being thought of as even remotely funny or witty or even generally amiable. Iapos;ve always thought of myself as very sarcastic, rather cynical, and entirely too smart-mouthed for my own good. I guess as you get older, those qualities slowly become less annoying and more endearing. Maybe it just took a while for the rest of the world to catch up to the amount of world-weariness required to appreciate my blatant apathy or loathing for pretty much anything and everything.

In all seriousness, Iapos;ve been pretty fucking stressed out and tired lately. Iapos;m proud of my accomplishments at work, but lately Iapos;ve been feeling like the lack of any traction anywhere else in my life is leaving me feeling pretty drained.
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constructing steps

Got to go home today, after a fever-related delay that kept me there a day late. But at least Iapos;m home now.

Itapos;s disconcerting, since I was so much stronger physically before the surgery and I can tell the difference at home. I could only do one of the most easy aerobic WiiFit activities, wherwas I used to warm up on the advanced one and do the hardest one after that.

That, and itapos;s a little embarrassing how it made my day today to pass gas through means not involving burping. My stomach has been really gassy the last few days, and Iapos;m hoping now thatapos;ll go away on itapos;s own.

None of the incisions hurt except for the big one that required stitches, which is the one my surgeon actually put the tools through (all the others were just used to give him PoV of my insides. But at least my liver was not enlarged by fat so it was easier on him than if Iapos;d pigged out on fatty stuff the week before my surgery. I done good.
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